School Of Ministry

"Humility and love for the church: a foundation for ministerial leadership"


The Ministerial School is a place where they can be trained as pastors, evangelists, church planters with a strong ministerial practice in the church, in the streets and in missions.

We believe that the key to being a true servant of God is to have humility and simplicity of heart, and we are committed to teaching and modeling these values in our students. In addition, we want to promote faith and service to God and the people of God in all its forms..

We are a school of prayer, and we believe that the power of prayer is essential to carry out ministry effectively. We are looking for people who share our passion for prayer and are willing to spend time and effort to pray for God's people and the work of the gospel.

We hope that this school will be a place of growth and transformation, where we can learn together to follow Jesus more closely, and to serve him more faithfully.

We hope you will consider being a part of this project and be part of our family of students and teachers. If you are interested in more information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Systematic theology

Systematic theology is a branch of theology that seeks to understand and organize the christian faith ....

hermeneutics and homiletics

What is Homiletics: The homiletic, in theology, is the gender discourse by means of which is held preaching religious....

Evangelism and Missions

The second function of the church is evangelism and missions. Use these two terms together in order to provide a full perspective. Evangelism is carried out usually ....

Healing and Liberation

Jesus christ is the same yesterday, and today, and forever. Hebrews 13:8. God continues to heal and freeing people...

Biblical eschatology

The term “eschatology” comes from two Greek words eschatos meaning “last” and logos, which means “subject, theme;” there ...


Apart from their own offerings, most people probably don't think about the finances of the church...

Prayer and Fasting

“Our needs are so deep that we must not cease to pray until we are in heaven” — Charles Spurgeon

Spiritual retirement

The importance of listening to the voice of God in the christian life it is essential to leadership, spiritual growth and communion with God, so live a life according to his will and be able to respond to the needs of others in the ministry.

Practices ministerial

It is very important for a minister to be able to take the experience of serving God and the Church. We can see that Jesus not only taught them the Word, but I teach them as well as to serve the others.



The fruits of the Spirit, according to the Bible, are the spiritual characteristics that must be developed in the life of a christian. These fruits are important because they are the result of having the Holy Spirit in our lives and help us to live an authentic christian life and full. They also help us to be effective witnesses of Christ in our communities and in the world.



Prayer is one of the most important practices in the life of a christian, as it is a medium through which it establishes a personal and direct communication with God. Through prayer, the christian can express their thoughts, feelings, and needs to God, and seek his guidance, comfort and strength.

The prayer is also important because it helps us to cultivate an intimate relationship with God. As we spent time talking with him and listening to his voice, our faith becomes stronger and our trust in him grows. In addition, the prayer helps us to have a clearer perspective of our lives and the challenges that we face, which allows us to make wise decisions and live according to his will.

The prayer is also essential for our spiritual life, since it allows us to rely on God and not ourselves. Instead of relying on our own skills and resources, we learn to depend on the grace and power of God to carry out his will in our lives.

In summary, the prayer is essential to the christian life, since it helps us to establish a personal relationship and communion with God, cultivate a clearer perspective of our lives, to make wise decisions and to depend on his grace and power.


Practices Ministerial

The gospel ministry, refers to the practices and activities that are carried out to share the Gospel of jesus Christ with others and help them to establish a personal relationship with him. Some of the practices ministerial most common include:

  1. Evangelism: it Is the process of sharing the Gospel message with people who have not accepted jesus Christ as their Savior. You can include preaching in public places, distribution of materials for evangelism, and personal work with individuals and families.

  2. Preaching: it Is the exposition and application of Scripture in a meeting of the church, with the goal of teaching and exhorting the congregation in their spiritual journey.

  3. Prayer for the sick: it Is the practice of praying for the sick people, whether in private or in a prayer meeting, with the order to ask for healing physical and spiritual.

  4. Ministry of children: it Is the work of teaching and guiding children on their spiritual journey, through biblical teaching, prayer, and participation in the activities of the church.

  5. Planting: it Is the process of establishing a new congregation in an area where there is an existing church. You can include the search of leaders, the establishment of a bible study group, and the preparation for the establishment of a formal church.

These practices ministerial they are essential for the extension of the Kingdom of God and the spiritual growth of the people, are fundamental to the work of the christians, and are a way of following in the footsteps of Jesus, who are dedicated to heal the sick, teach, preach and make disciples.


Nos gustaria saber acerca de usted

Teologia Sistematica

La teología sistemática utiliza un enfoque analítico para estudiar las diferentes doctrinas cristianas, como la Trinidad, la Encarnación, la Salvación y la Iglesia. Se esfuerza por entender cómo estas doctrinas se relacionan entre sí y cómo se relacionan con la revelación de Dios en la Biblia y en la tradición cristiana. La teología sistemática también se preocupa por cómo las enseñanzas cristianas se aplican a la vida diaria de las personas.

 -Sistemática I (Teología, Bibliología)

 -Sistemática II (Angeleologia, Demoniologia y Antropologia)

– Sistemática III (Hamartiologia, Soteriología ).

– Sistemática IV (Sanidad Divina, Escatologia)

– Sistemática V (Cristología y Eclesiología)

Hermeneutica y homiletica

Qué es Homilética: La homilética, en teología, es el género discursivo mediante el cual se realiza predicación religiosa. Como disciplina de estudio, la homilética trata sobre la composición, la elaboración y los contenidos apropiados para la correcta predicación del sermón.

En la exegesis es importante descubrir que hay en el texto y antes de el para eso su método histórico crítico, en la hermenéutica la interpretación conectar el mensaje de ese texto a la realidad de la persona que es protagonista al mismo tiempo de la interpretación.

Evangelism and Missions

La segunda función de la iglesia es el evangelismo y las misiones. Uso esos dos términos juntos a fin de proveer de una perspectiva completa. El evangelismo se lleva a cabo generalmente sobre bases personales, mientras que el trabajo misionero abarca por lo común áreas amplias. La iglesia existe por amor del mundo. Tenemos que desear vivir como Dios quiere que lo hagamos de forma que podamos brillar como luces en medio de una generación torcida y depravada (Fil. 2:15). La meta suprema de todo ministerio es alcanzar a otros para Cristo. 

En estas parcticas nos centraremos en el evangelismo personal, asi como en la organizacion de campañas evangelisticas.

Sanidad Y liberación

Muchos creyentes pentecostales alrededor del mundo se identifican con las palabras de Aimee Semple
McPherson en cuanto al tema de la sanidad divina: “Creemos que la sanidad divina es el poder del Señor Jesucristo
para sanar al enfermo en respuesta a la oración de fe; que Él, quien es el ‘mismo ayer, hoy, y por los
siglos,’ nunca ha cambiado sino que todavía es una ayuda suficiente en la hora de la angustia, poderoso para
suplir toda necesidad, vivificar y renovar la vida del cuerpo, como también la del alma y del espíritu en respuesta
a la fe de aquellos que siempre oran con sumisión a su divina y soberana voluntad.”162
Esta preciosa doctrina no debe ser descuidada por aquellos que ministran la palabra de Dios. En algunos
círculos hay muchos malentendidos y oposición con respecto a la sanidad divina. Esto se debe a una falla en
aceptar y comprender la completa enseñanza de la palabra de Dios sobre este tema.

Escatologia Biblica

La escatología es una parte de la teología que se enfoca en estudiar las últimas cosas o los tiempos finales. La escatología Bíblica Cristiana estudia el tema de la muerte y la vida después de la muerte, el cielo, infierno. Temas como la segunda venida de Jesucristo a la tierra, la resurrección de los muertos que es la esperanza de los cristianos.
Además abarca temas como el arrebatamiento, la gran tribulación, el milenio, el fin del mundo, el juicio del trono blanco, cielo nuevo y tierra nueva, otros temas de profecía que aun no se han cumplido. Espero esta sección de escatología Bíblica sea de bendición para tu vida y para aquellos a los cuales les enseñes temas de escatología.